Online Practice


What is it?

Through this practice area of my website, I will share my style of intuitive-based yoga with you, as a guide to supporting yoga anywhere at anytime – off and on your mat.

These practices will encourage you to tune into your body’s own natural intelligence, helping you to explore an approach to yoga which will help you to intuitively respond to the needs of your body, in terms of physical and emotional health.

Through this approach to practice you will learn to appreciate that your body is your best teacher and that you have the power and ability to keep your body and mind healthy and connected.

Your feedback and requests are always welcome.


Introduction & Disclaimer

If you are joining me for the first time, please be aware of these important cautions…

The Yoga practice presented in these dvd’s is suitable for all levels of ability, however, not all exercises or movements are suitable for everyone and this, or any physical activity may result in injury if not performed mindfully or if pain warnings are ignored. If you are unsure, get in touch or seek medical advice before beginning this programme.

These Yoga practices are not suitable for pregnant women. Please seek specialist advice if you are pregnant and would like yo take up a Yoga based programme.

Nothing should hurt during this practice. If you experience discomfort or pain during your session, stop and rest and consider how you were approaching the movement – be constantly aware of your body and how it feels, never force or strain and if unsure, consult me directly for help or advice.

Enjoy and don’t forget to feed back your experiences!

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