About Me

A Brief Introduction

I have had what might be considered as a varied career, involving the Royal Navy, Computer Systems Management, Exercise Teaching, Leisure Centre Management, GP Referral Exercise Programming, Exercise for Special Populations (including Cardiac Rehabilitation), Personal Training, Pilates, Yoga, Thai Yoga Massage, Myofascial Release Therapy and most recently – Reiki!

My love affair with yoga began in 1993 when I took my first Hatha Yoga class at a health spa and I have been addicted ever since!

For many years I was drawn to the dynamic practice of Iyengar yoga, enjoying the strong and energetic feel of the classes that I attended and wanted to learn more. In 2005 I met Jenny Beeken, co-founder of the Inner Yoga Trust in Hampshire and entered a one year foundation course, which introduced me to a style of yoga which challenged traditional approaches to postural practice and encouraged a deeper investigation of the body.

This new, thoughtful route of inquiry challenged my body to slow down and become more thoughtful of the body’s natural intuition – doing less, but learning to feel more. Although I had been struggling to manage on-going back pain, my body began to respond to this intelligent approach to yoga and I was inspired to continue onto the two year Teacher Training Awareness programme – qualifying as a yoga teacher through The Inner Yoga Trust (accredited by the British Wheel of Yoga) in 2008.

In 2014 I completed training in Thai Yoga Massage, accredited through and recognised by The Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine (ICNM).

In 2020 I completed the Myofascial Release Therapy Structural Series 1, 2 and 3 with Myofascial Release UK.

In 2023 I completed Reiki 1 & 2.


My Style

My Yoga teaching style has developed and matured over time, inspired by a need to find a way to manage recurring back problems which had steadily developed after giving birth to my twins in 1996. ‘Back care’ and postural awareness have been a major focus in the classes that I have taught since then and I continue to be inspired by yoga teaching which focuses on the spine as the source of natural intelligence. I am particularly drawn to the influences of Vanda Scaravelli and teachers who worked extensively with Vanda – like Diane Long, who have passed on their own interpretations of a practice which brings the spine to life.

My aim as a yoga teacher is to help others to develop their own awareness of the body’s natural intuition, through mindful movement, exploration of the breath and awareness of gravity.

I regularly attend yoga teaching workshops and training courses which explore and promote an intuitive based practice and this has become a strong focus for my own practice and for my teaching of yoga on the online classes, workshops and retreats that I now offer.

As a Thai Yoga Massage therapist I use integrated techniques involving Myofascial Release, to offer a manual therapy approach to assist in the relief and management of chronic pain.


Contact Sally