

Reasons To Consider Attending Workshops…

I have been running retreats and workshops from the time I first qualified as a yoga teacher back in 2008. I always felt that the weekly class experience challenged my intention to help people offload their day – 90 minutes was just not long enough to catch attention or effectively penetrate the fast pace of everyday life – I needed more time (with those who felt the same) to facilitate a broader, calmer experience.

From this desire to offer something different in our shared mat time, I decided to host regular extended class experiences and this still feels like a good way to move practice on and help others to embrace a more holistic experience of yoga!

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Online Practice

YogiSal has now taken her practice online, offering a combination of practice videos and live Zoom classes to support practice anytime from the comfort of your own home!

Online Practice

Through this practice area of my website, I will share my style of intuitive based yoga with you, as a guide to supporting yoga anywhere at anytime – off and on your mat.


I am now offering live yoga classes through the Zoom online platform, bringing students together from all over the world to connect and share practice from their own homes.

Online Focus Course

I am now running a Back Care Focus Course for 6 x weeks aimed at anyone who has on-going back pain issues and would like some workable management solutions.